Category Archives: Elearning


Back to normal OR the new normal?

I was much encouraged to read Ian Wilson’s admission that so far as learning technology goes, after the pandemic online pivot, he doesn’t want to go “back to normal” I really like his analogy of entering the pandemic as “a well-established caterpillar, familiar with ourselves and our practices. But

Digifest 2019

My aims for Digifest ( were to find out A bit more about digital literacy and initiatives to improve digital skills Horizon scanning – what’s coming up? How Microsoft Teams (and other Microsoft offering for education) are being used Joel Bloomfield from Microsoft talked about Microsoft’s ambitions for the future

Sustainability, Society and You and more MOOCs

This November starts several new initiatives for me. Sustainability, Society and You The Sustainability, Society and You MOOC #freeonlinecourse on FutureLearn started yesterday. Six weeks of learning and sharing about sustainable lifestyles, individual, group, neighbourhood, national and global level.  I’ve supported this MOOC, for lead educator Prof Sarah Speight, since

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