Category Archives: online communities

Seven top tips for building your professional learning network with Twitter

Twitter really can take up your whole day! It’s a whole continuing professional education all by itself, if you follow the right people and follow up on links to blogs and websites that people point out. So if you want to have a life as well as reading Twitter (let

Ning’s new features: anti-spam and email verification

Ning has added two good features for helping your network avoid spammers. Better moderator tools are essential if Ning is to compete in the market for paid-for community platforms. I’m glad to see that they’re beginning to offer good value with their well-priced new services. The first new feature prevents

Webinar best practice #2: Top tips on how to start a successful webinar

Back in November 2009 I wrote about the planning necessary for a successful webinar and suggested that one of the most important thing to do before a webinar is to test and test again – the software, your equipment and the speakers’ equipment. If possible all attendees equipment should be

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