Monthly Archives: May 2008

Improving HTML email

I have been very suspicious of HTML-based email for some time: sending an HTML-based email is a bit hit and miss – I have seen so many rendered as just a pile of code and quite unintelligible to the reader. Nobody – especially not when you’re putting out an important

How to choose your blog name

If you are setting up a new blog, probably the next important task after choosing your blog niche is to the job of choosing a name for your blog. One of the first questions is whether to have a quirky name that no-one has already got, so that you can

Technology stewardship

A post from 2006 in Learning Alliances defines the concept of “technology stewardship” “Technology stewards are people with enough experience of the workings of a community to understand its technology needs, and enough experience with technology to take leadership in addressing those needs. Stewardship typically includes selecting and configuring technology,

Successful ELESIG Webinar: methods for researching the learner experience

Last Thursday ELESIG – the Special Interest Group for Research into the Learner Experience – held a webinar focusing on research methodology for evaluating the learner’s experience of elearning. As community lead for the project (one of my roles for Reach Further) it is great to be able to report

What’s your job title?

Here’s an interesting blog posting about the kinds of job titles that owners of business start-ups give themselves. OK, I have always wanted to call myself “Creative Director”. But I have resisted the temptation. What does it really mean? At the moment I call myself an elearning and online communities

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