Protected: Reflective learning course – initial impressions
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Can you help me compile the ultimate list of resources for using blogs in learning and teaching? A while ago I did a bit of a bibliography on the use of wikis in learning and teaching [Blog post August 2007]. Together with some practical action research with the use of
I feel at the moment I’m at a chapter break in my life, looking for new opportunities in my working life, and I have been pondering how useful it is to set goals. The task of re-assessing one’s life and career path should always start with establishing one’s values, but
Now that Ning has announced that it is phasing out free services, it’s time to take another look at our Ning communities and to establish what might be a reasonable alternative to Ning. For my longest-running Ning network, ELESIG, we are prepared: a hard-working group from this community of practice
Sometimes I am accused of being a pessimist: I always treat technology, especially wonderful new inventions, services and applications, with a healthy pinch of salt. So I laughed a bit hollowly to read that Ning are phasing out their free social networks (as well as reducing the number of their
The unprecedented closure of the UK’s airspace today due to an ash cloud drifting over the country from a volcanic eruption in Iceland brought out the best in social media as well as traditional media reporting. Twitter was alive with links and explanations, from elearning companies providing free resources for