Monthly Archives: November 2008

Short thoughts

17:11 @helenharrop me too if @lizcable hasn’t finished them off… # 20:36 proofreadng e-learning materials can take longer than you think… {sigh} # 11:25 at TLRP conf on HE & lifelong learning in London – hearing about cumulativity (?) # 11:28 blending 21C technology with 21C pedagogy not – as

Short thoughts

08:17 If you want to discover who the great influencers and followers in your network are, just follow Mr. Tweet at # 08:46 A community without a moderator is like … # 08:46 A community without a moderator is like a beautifully designed restaurant without a waiter # 08:47

Short thoughts

11:54 Discussing the problems of "Orwellian" institutions and resistance to innovation #elesig # 11:59 Possible mismatch between what academics THINK students are using & what students are actually doing – need real data from elarners #elesig # 12:41 what are the core learning literacies for students today and how do

Short thoughts

10:03 Delegates assembling for ELESIG Digital Literacies Symposium. Excellent breakfast provided… # 10:05 Have a good day all at IOCT conference, sorry I can’t join you. # 11:32 Digital literacies are a range of practices that underpin effective learning in the digital age (Helen Beetham) #elesig # Automatically shipped by

Short thoughts

13:30 Blog prompt: respond to a news story in your field # 20:10 New e-tutoring course starting tomorrow. It’s always exciting seeing what they make of the material and their invitation to engage in it # 22:02 @jobadge sorry to hear of your accident. Watch out for physical reaction later

VLEs – a boon or a bust?

I was reading a “rant” from Steve Wheeler about VLEs and James Clay’s response to it. I agree that VLEs leave a lot to be desired. But until something better comes along – and it will! – they have certain advantages. Designed for learning, they keep everything in one place

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