Tag Archives: twitter

Technology to make lectures and presentations interactive

It’s not always easy to engage a large audience interactively in a learning session. Yet we know that active learning and engagement improves understanding, prompts reflection, provides feedback so that the tutor can tune the content of the session, and has many other positive effects on learning. Asking questions however,

Case studies: Twitter for learning

Those of us who use Twitter as a Personal Learning Network tool (PLN) don’t need convincing that Twitter is useful for learning. There are innumerable resources discussing this, and even more describing and explaining how to use Twitter for personal learning and for social learning. Jane Hart covers the basics

Seven top tips for building your professional learning network with Twitter

Twitter really can take up your whole day! It’s a whole continuing professional education all by itself, if you follow the right people and follow up on links to blogs and websites that people point out. So if you want to have a life as well as reading Twitter (let

E-learning and social media links

A collection of the most useful websites and blogs I’ve come across in the past month: e-learning and social media E-learning The BBC’s learning design toolkit incorporates some familiar elements of thinking about learning, with some new approaches in a conceptual toolkit intended to guide the work of anyone involved

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