Monthly Archives: September 2013

NOOCing Nottingham – my presentation from the ALT-C conference

Nottingham’s NOOC was an online course on Perspectives on Sustainability open to all staff and students at all three campuses of the University of Nottingham. Here’s the presentation from my talk about it at the Association for Learning Technology conference this week (sorry it’s a bit late!). Click into post for NOOCing Nottingham PDF

Happiness is not a destination

Happiness is not a destination, but the way you live

I’ve been looking for the source of the quote “Happiness is not a destination but the way to live your life.” It seems to have many versions and is quoted as originating from many sources. It’s even been attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.

“Happiness is a journey, not a destination; happiness is to be found along the way not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it’s too late. The time for happiness is today not tomorrow.” This is the version said to be quoted by Paul H Dunn.

“Happiness is a means of travel not a destination” is another variation of it, or “Happiness is a journey, not a destination”. The shorter versions have probably been adapted to suit plaques, wall hangings and greetings cards.

“The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination.” is quoted as Dan Millman in Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives
A believable original source may be Margaret Lee Runbeck: “Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.”


Beating procrastination

Procrastination or putting things off is something I guess most people struggle with. I don’t know about you but some tasks I find worse than others.

Still looking for tricks that make it easier to just get on with stuff! (Like now!)

Inspiration and motivation is always welcome.

“There are seven days in a week and Someday isn’t one of them. Don’t wait – do it now!”