Tag Archives: flexible working

Remote managers and reflection: this time last year

Once a month I like to look back on what I was blogging about this time last year and in previous years. It often prompts reflection on how things have – or have not – changed and where I have moved on to. In July 2009 I was looking at 

Nottingham is brimming with new media…

The second Media Camp Nottingham on 27th March was at the excellent venue Lace Market House on High Pavement. One might think from the lack of funding and traditional media and other interest in digital and creative industries that there wasn’t much going on in Nottingham. This second event organised

Celebrate women learning to use the Web and social media

Let’s hear it for the women who are learning to conquer the web… Today (24th March) is Ada Lovelace Day, an international day of blogging organised by Suw Charman-Anderson to draw attention to women excelling in technology. The FindingAda website explains: ” Women’s contributions often go unacknowledged, their innovations seldom

Avoiding RSI

If you’re making plans for the year (though a bit late for actual resolutions perhaps?) then a good thing to think about is avoiding RSI. Learning technology and social media people spend a lot of time at keyboards and using computer mice. What would be the one thing that would

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