University drop-off
A small figure waves goodbye Freedom beckons As I drive away He turns to start a new
A small figure waves goodbye Freedom beckons As I drive away He turns to start a new
It was years ago when I was at University in Newcastle that I first heard of Vindolanda, a Roman fort and community just a mile or so south of Hadrian’s Wall. It was just getting going as a destination and site of archaeological activity in the 1970s. They had even built
I was reminded by her recent Facebook post of Sue Thomas’ article “Blue mind charts our link with water” from 2014. “Water makes you happier, more connected and better at what you do,” Wallace J Nichols The effects of nature, in its green form, has been well researched as a boost
Here are six daily mindfulness practices that I find helpful to keep me mindful each day. Including starting the day, mindful eating, exercise, pausing in nature, dark breathing and mindful driving.
I like writing haiku. It’s not that they are easy, but that they can be used to respond to so many things, and they take long enough but not too long so they fit into a busy day. A friend used to write one a day after I introduced her
I have been re-reading the Witches books from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, and am currently reading Maskerade. There’s a point in it where the witches hear the opera singer in the room next door singing “Show me the way to go home” and moving into Italian (or Brindisian as it
On Day 11 of the January Challenge, Pratiksha asks us to think about the word “love” in many languages, and sharing the love. I’ve used the elements of a pastime I love – papercrafting – to create the word. Obviously there are many people, places and things I love more
The challenge I was offered today by #thejanuarychallenge2022 from #64millionartists was Nature Investigator. To go outside and breathe deeply and think about nature in winter. It was very chilly, a whole 14 degrees colder than 1st January! The sun shone, the air was crisp. Dogs and birds dash in and
#2 Why I love… I posted on Instagram but not here yesterday. Why I love Nottingham. Nottingham has been my home for decades. It wasn’t deliberately chosen, just where I ended up when my job relocated. Why I love Nottingham isn’t so much the physical things or the landscape, it
In 2020 and 2021 one of my projects was exploring how I could create online escape games for learning and teaching, including for online induction of students. It’s so important that students are encouraged to interact and develop a sense of belonging and of trust in the others in their