Monthly Archives: September 2007

A bug in Excel…

Beware if you’re using Excel for certain calculations. The 2007 version of the software has a bug in it. If you have a copy try asking it to calculate 77.1 times 850. Here’s a clue – the answer should be 65,535 But in Excel 2007 it’s 10,000! The explanation is

Final reflections on the ALT-C conference #2

Marion Miller, Manager, JISC Regional Support Centre for Yorkshire and Humber, University of Leeds, summed up the contributions to the theme: Learning technology for the social network generation. She made an interesting suggestion that the VLE “has had its day”. The focus is moving away from VLEs towards social networks

Libraries and Librarians in the Blogosphere

Here are some of the most representative library blogs I’ve found. Some librarian blogs are among the best blogs I’ve read. Must be something about librarians and information… From the UK, USA and Australia. Peter Scott’s Library Blog Links Cambridge University Medical Library Facts Spineless (Heriot Watt)

Learning from Greece…

A librarian colleague told me today about her success in using a new presentation technique. The Introduction to the library and how to use it probably isn’t one of the most exciting things that happen to new students in Fresher’s Week … so no doubt librarians in Universities up and

The wiki way

Here’s an interesting article on “the wiki way” from the Guardian. “Don Tapscott, the author of an eye-opening new book called Wikinomics, says that we have barely begun to imagine how the internet will change the way we live and work. He tells Oliver Burkeman how everything from gold mining

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