Tag Archives: e-learning

Digital Literacies Symposium

ELESIG – the Special Interest Group for those interested in Evaluating the Learner Experience of E-Learning – invites academics to a seminar on Impact of learner experience research – digital literacies. It’s on Thursday, 20th November 2008 at the Evolution Suite, Longbridge Technology Park, 1 Devon Way Birmingham B31 2TS.

Links for week commencing 29th October – Copyright

Principles for user-generated content serviceshttp://www.ugcprinciples.comTo protect copyright in services providing user-uploaded and user-generated audio and video content. It’s good to see copyright being taken account of. But a shame that it’s about commercial content and not that of the users themselves… One thing that sometimes surprised me when I was

Elearning saves the environment!

The Open University have proved elearning is green (bit of an old study, but I would think computers are even more energy efficient now…) “A study by the Open University found that on average ‘distance/open learning courses used 90% less energy consumption and produced 90% fewer CO2 emissions than the

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