Monthly Archives: January 2008

News from Alison Brackenbury

I have the immense privilege of updating the website of the poet Alison Brackenbury. I love her poems – and a new one appears on her website every two months. She’s let me know that “6.25”, a poem from her forthcoming book “Singing in the Dark”, will appear in The

Women bloggers

Janet Clarey has blogged this month about Women in the edublogosphere 2007She says “When I first started blogging early in ‘07 I felt there weren’t that many female bloggers.”Which is so sad – I’ve been blogging since 2003, and I know a lot of women, especially in the new media

80 Million Tiny Images

Here’s a beautiful web project: 80 Million Tiny Images, a visualization of all the nouns in the English language arranged by semantic meaning, by Antonio Torralba, Rob Fergus and William T. Freeman at MIT. It’s not just pretty, either: the project aims to use this massive dataset to train a

Athens to Shibboleth looks like a rocky transition

There’s an interesting viewpoint from Andy Powell at Eduserv on the recent breakdown of negotiations between JISC and Eduserv about funding of the Athens-Shibboleth Gateways.I must admit that I hadn’t realised that the change from Athens to Shibboleth was so imminent.Athens has been the authentication method for access to academic

Feedback from Season of Inspiration course

One is allowed to blow one’s own trumpet occasionally, yes? Here is some of the feedback from my last writing course… “Though I am a published writer (I have an anthology of Short Stories in my name) I must say I have benefitted from the Season Of Inspiration course in

H2O playlists

An H2O Playlist is a shared list of readings and other content about a topic of intellectual interest. It’s a way to group and exchange useful links to information – online and offline.Developed at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, it claims to represent a

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