Tag Archives: online communities

Call for ideas: Blogs in education

Can you help me compile the ultimate list of resources for using blogs in learning and teaching? A while ago I did a bit of a bibliography on the use of wikis in learning and teaching [Blog post August 2007]. Together with some practical action research with the use of

Short thoughts

14:27 Drupal community site looking good for launch – just the posting guidelines to slot in and it’s ready # 07:36 Looking forward to launching our small business portal today # 09:01 A new approach to assessment in HE tinyurl.com/6ocsxp #lff09 # 10:02 Does calling Firefox "Netscape" show one’s internet

If you build it will they come? A model for sustainable online community networks for practitioners

The presentation we gave last month at the ALT-C conference in Leeds is now online: If you build it will they come? A model for sustainable online community networks for practitioners Helen Whitehead, Liz Cable Reach Further Ltd., United Kingdom Thursday 11th September 2008, University of Leeds Community model powerpoint

Five ways to welcome your community members or new students

Whether you’re trying to create a learning community for the students starting your course or trying to nurture a community of practice for your business or organisation, one of the key elements of your strategy should be welcoming your participants. Every e-moderator should have welcoming techniques in their e-moderating toolbox.

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