Real-world e-learning software
I asked some practitioners what e-learning tools the staff in their institutions actually found useful. Here are some of their answers:
Course Genie
This is a product from Wimba (who have a site of good products) which allows staff to generate web pages from Word documents. It runs from within Microsoft Word as an add-on, so it’s possible for many of the formatting features of Word to be used. Various resources can be linked to the central web file created automatically by Word so learners can read materials, view presentations, search the internet or take quizzes as part of one learning “package”.
Freeware animation software: designed to let you capture images from a webcam, camcorder, or scanner and assemble them as separate frames of an animation. It’s also possible to import other images and sound files. Will export as an .avi file.
Flash-based e-Learning quizzes, games and applications (more use with school-level than FE or HE)
- Content generator
- Multiple Choice quiz generator
- Match-up quiz generator
- Penalty Shootout generator
- Walk the Plank generator
- Interactive diagram generator
Free basic level of multiple-choice generator, with licenses for more complex games (e.g., football shootouts) from £25-300 depending on individual or institutional licence.
Flash moviemaker. Non technical users can quickly create impressive multimedia items in Flash, including movies, banners, presentations, slideshows, and e-cards. Free Trial for 30 days then $5 per month.