Monthly Archives: December 2008


Today I had a discussion on Twitter about geek dreams, after I dreamed in Twitter messages (sad, isn’t it?) and others admitted to also twittering, as well as dreaming in HTML and CSS. I remember when I was learning Photoshop that I used to see web-safe colour codes on car

e-START Digital Literacy Network & Digital Literacy in Europe

The Project of the Month at is the e-START Digital Literacy Network working in Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Austria and Finland. e-START is a Network of key players for promoting Digital Literacy in Primary and Lower Secondary (K-9) education in Europe and beyond. The mission of the e-START Network is to provide a universal communication base to support Digital Literacy Policies and Actions in compulsory education.

e-START has held a number of international symposia, panels and workshops around Europe and organised the First International Conference on Digital Literacy (see conference website:

For more on e-inclusion, read the Digital Literacy European Commission Working Paper andRecommendations from Digital Literacy High-Level Expert Group: this Report presents the outcome of the Digital Literacy Review that the Commission has undertaken as part of the commitments made in the Riga Declaration in 2006 and in the eInclusion Communication in 2007: a series of eInclusion targets, including reducing by half the gap between digital literacy levels of disadvantaged groups and the average for the EU by 2010.

Digital Literacy is increasingly becoming an essential life skill and the inability to access or use ICT has effectively become a barrier to social integration and personal development. 470 digital literacy initiatives across the EU were analysed together with the results of the digital literacy module of the Community Survey on ICT usage in Households and by Individuals. The main conclusions are:

  1. Member States have invested in large digital literacy programmes over the last ten years as part of their Lisbon priorities for information society and as a result regular Internet use has grown rapidly, particularly among young persons for whom skill levels and usage rates exceed that of the USA.
  2. Digital literacy remains a major challenge and more efforts need to be dedicated to supporting disadvantaged groups, in particular those over 55.
  3. There is evidence that secondary digital divides may be emerging in relation to quality of use and more needs to be done to increase the levels of confidence and trust in online transactions and the use of ICT for lifelong learning for all.

The Review also identified good practices to bring disadvantaged groups online and the key features are summarised, grouped according to: motivation, affordability and sustainability, content and delivery and accessibility and usability.

Short thoughts

09:58 Oh my, I was tweeting in my dreams last night – I need to take a break from Twitter! # 10:39 @tashaharrison scary, yes, but I’m sure I had some pretty good tweets in my dream and now I’ve forgotten them! # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Short thoughts

15:47 I like getting all these Christmas ecards – makes the job of clearing the inbox a bit more enjoyable! # 15:51 I miss going to little ones’ Xmas events. I remember the Thunderbirds Xmas play I wrote for nursery: made all the craft from cardboard boxes # 10:50 Grrr

Short thoughts

15:31 discussing emotional intelligence in leadership of social enterprise # 10:45 chasing up final bits of projects – estimated chance of all being finalised before everyone goes on hols low but possible! # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Short thoughts

18:40 Hurrah, online va a mobile broadband dongle! # 18:43 @jclarey if one is being professional certainly one checks :) as one would for any public appearance – I’d use the webcam # 18:47 @shanitomorrow any news on CCC starting in Nottingham? # 19:16 @gpirie sorry I won’t see you

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