Tag Archives: learning technologies

Top 10 etools for learning professionals

My Top 10 Tools list is now online at Jane Hart’s Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies http://c4lpt.co.uk/recommended/helenwhitehead.html It’s fascinating reading the ‘final’ compiled version of the top 100 tools chosen by 223 learning professionals. Delicious social bookmarking comes top by a long way. It’s somewhat encouraging that several of

E-learning Advent Calendar

I’ve been writing less in the blog at the moment – lots of effort is going into the ELKS “Advent of Technology” Calendar, full of people’s favourite tools for teaching and learning with technologies. You don’t even have to be a member to see the calendar :) DIRECT LINK to

Integrating Web 2.0 – some doubts

Here are some issues that have been mentioned to me (by academic staff) about integrating Web 2.0 technologies into institutional VLEs, and how they might be overcome. Institutional IT policy can be a barrier – you don’t know what’s available.Fear of “what people will say” How to cope with the

ALT-C presentations on Tuesday

I was certainly nodding at Tim Rudd’s exhortation to us to think about learning spaces for the future without being “held back” by starting from where we are now. We must not be bound by cultures and habits from existing methods of teaching and assessment – let’s be innovative! That

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