Monthly Archives: October 2007

Links for week commencing 29th October – Copyright

Principles for user-generated content serviceshttp://www.ugcprinciples.comTo protect copyright in services providing user-uploaded and user-generated audio and video content. It’s good to see copyright being taken account of. But a shame that it’s about commercial content and not that of the users themselves… One thing that sometimes surprised me when I was

Build your own virtual world

The time is coming closer when we really don’t have to get out of bed even to wander round the house. Build your own 3D virtual world and invite all your friends round! Metaplace is a web application developed by Raph Koster, one of the developers of massively multiplayer online

Links for week commencing 22nd October

Some interesting social software for learning: Ecto blurb: “Ecto is a hosted, open networked Personal Learning Environment. Use Ecto to transform learning into an interactive, collaborative, and student centered activity. Ecto is the only learning management system built from the ground up on the principles and architecture of social software.”

Fancy getting away from email?

The BBC reports today on companies which are instituting “no-email” days in order, so as – they claim – to “increase productivity”. Some of the companies mentioned include Intel, PBD, Deloitte and Touche. They’ve picked Friday. That doesn’t seem a very good idea to me. As Friday is the last

Research Repositories

When the Web was new, individual researchers posted their articles, research papers, reports and other research outputs online in their own spaces: there was no systematic way to find such articles, papers and drafts. The copyright restrictions of publication often mean that researchers no longer have the right to put

What does ’embedding’ mean?

One of the “hot topics” at the HEA Pathfinder workshop in York that I attended with the University of Leicester’s Adelie project was the definition of “embedding” – which was important to the description of what the Pathfinder pilots were asked to do. How can an institution measure embedding? What

Links for week 15th October

The Technical Advisory Service for Images (TASI) is a JISC funded service that supports FE and HE, museums, galleries, libraries and archives with everything and anything to do with digital images. Their website ( has links to hundreds of advice papers regarding aspects of digital imaging such as advice on

Avoiding misunderstandings online

As an article in the Guardian today points out, travelling among different cultures can be a minefield of misunderstandings and possibilities to cause offence “Flowers may seem like the perfect gift to delight your gracious hostess with, but beware, in many countries particular varieties, colours and even numbers have

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