The January Challenge #4 Nature Investigator

The challenge I was offered today by #thejanuarychallenge2022 from #64millionartists was Nature Investigator. To go outside and breathe deeply and think about nature in winter.

It was very chilly, a whole 14 degrees colder than 1st January! The sun shone, the air was crisp. Dogs and birds dash in and out of damp bushes and water as though there were no difference from summer, but we feel it as humans. In summer I sometimes think my totem is a drganfly, flitting from one thing to another, unable to concentrate on one thing for very long. Showing a flash of brilliance and then suddenly invisible for a long time.

In the winter I’m more like a dormouse. I want to curl up under the bedcovers and sleep the winter through. Hibernation sounds wonderful. Then again, it would be a shame to miss so much, indoors or outside!

man walking down a suburban street in the snow at twilight