Glossaries of assessment terms
Sometimes it’s useful to compare your understanding of a term with the generally accepted definitions. Over time, too, words and phrases change their meanings or acquire new ones. Within different sectors of education, the same term can be understood differently. Here are some useful lists of techniques, definitions and terms in the area of e-assessment.
JISC’s e-assessment glossary (extended) – probably the most comprehensive but still not complete (PDF)
List of techniques with definitions, from the RaeAT project (Review of Advanced e-Assessment Techniques) at Durham University (PDF)
Assessment glossary from
Assessment is for Learning (AifL) Glossary from Learning and Teaching Scotland
E-assessment on Wikipedia
Assessment terminology can vary between sectors, across countries and across institutions, e.g.,
Newcastle University (PDF)
MIT Teaching and Learning Laboratory
Beyond Confusion: An Assessment Glossary (article), by Andrea Leskes for the Association of American Colleges and Universities
I’m assembling some resources on e-assessment on Cloudworks at E-assessment – a compendium of resources Please feel free to join me if it’s an interest of yours too.
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