Social Media training to expand in 2010

Marshall Sponder wrote on Social Media Today about his 7 predictions for social media in 2010. One of his predictions was about the explosive growth in social media training.

Competition in the Social Media training and enablement space is going to get fierce and Red Hot – as everyone wants a piece of the action., 7 Social Media and Web Analytics Predictions for 2010,
Dec 2009

There’s bound to be a lot of demand for social media training now that so many examples, from celebrity Twitterers, to reading early news from witnesses on the spot, to a campaign for the Number 1 song at Christmas 2009 have proved how effective social media can be.  But how do you know which of the social media trainers are any good?  Of course, we would say that a track record is important. Many of the social media “experts”, especially in the UK, are orginally PR or marketing people, with not much more than a couple of years’ experience – sometimes much less.

There are just a few of us who have worked in what is now called social media from the very early days of the Web – bringing people together online, and creating spaces in which people could contribute their own content, share and discuss – and have spent years refining good practice in this area, and still spend a lot of time keeping up with the latest incarnations of social media.

As qualified and inspirational trainers with experience in all sectors of training and education, we like to think we are effective at helping our clients to understand and adopt practical social media strategies, appropriate for their needs and to the time they have available. We’re passionate about making it work for our trainees. Our testimonials speak for themselves. We look forward to supporting you to develop your social media skills in 2010.

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