In the Pillar Cave
Timeline | 2000 | Victorian | Georgian | Medieval | Prehistory | Cave Being |

A thinning in the rock wall that surrounds me.

Suddenly noise penetrates. Humming. Buzzing.

Pitched beyond my ancient hearing.

Small things prickle.

Light. Intense.

My senses overloaded.

Noise sweeps over me.


There is above me

blue and black,

light and dark,

flashing, flickering.

There is pain in this.

Water, wet, a coolness, gone.

The flickering blue and black

cuts out.

A different noise

shatters my senses

in an instant,

then is gone.

There is again a roof over me.

I see it is not natural.

Intense energies emanate.

My colours shimmer.

More and more energy seeps in.

I am stronger, stronger.

Slowly, the noises fade.

The material above me briefly thins.

A flash of bright, intense energy overwhelms me.

Then all is darkness. No more light to bother me.

I feel the energies gradually oozing from around me.

I absorb them. I grow. Time passes. Slowly.

Timeline | 2000 | Victorian | Georgian | Medieval | Prehistory | Cave Being |
Copyright 1997 Helen Whitehead