Category Archives: online marketing

Nottingham is brimming with new media…

The second Media Camp Nottingham on 27th March was at the excellent venue Lace Market House on High Pavement. One might think from the lack of funding and traditional media and other interest in digital and creative industries that there wasn’t much going on in Nottingham. This second event organised

Online community roles: 3. the Member Services Manager

In my previous posts about the roles and tasks within an online community or community-based social network, I discussed the roles of the Community Editor and Community Facilitator. Both these roles, but particularly that of the Community Facilitator, are really a combination of roles, but it helps to categorise the

Online community roles: 2. the community facilitator

The core principle of The Cohesion Model for Sustainable Online Communities and Social Networks (as described in my previous post on 13th November) is that there are effectively three levels within a community – the Public, the Community or Collaborative, and the Private or Individual level.  There is a role associated

Online community roles: 1. the community editor

The Cohesion Model for Sustainable Online Communities and Social Networks was developed by myself, Helen Whitehead, and Liz Cable over three years, and based on rather more than 15 years of experience in online communities and social networks before that.  It’s also informed by the literature on learning communities, communities

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